Beginning Farmer Loans
If you're just getting started, let us help you with the beginning stages of your farming operations. We can provide start-up plans and business advice, as well as first-time farmer loans to help you acquire your piece of farm real estate.
Livestock Loans and Farm Equipment Loans
Whether you're upgrading machinery or growing your herd, you can take advantage of livestock financing and farm equipment financing.
Farm Building and Farm Land Purchase Loans
When you’re looking to expand or invest in your farming business, Decorah Bank & Trust offers agriculture real estate loans with terms that fit your financial needs.
Farmer Mac Loan Program
The Farm Mac Loan is a flexible long-term, fixed-rate loan plan available to farmers and ag-related businesses. This loan can be used for land purchases, refinancing, operating expenses, and facility improvements, as well as refinancing provious farm real estate loans. Decorah Bank & Trust is a Farmer Mac Approved Lender. We're here to guide you through solutions to help expand your farming opportunities.